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Training: Britain to Brazil

Choreographer instructions

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  2. Press play on the voiceover

  3. Listen to the spoken instructions, and press play on the video when instructed

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Britain to Brazil, recorded by Mairi April 2016

Britain to Brazil

Years 3/4/5&6 (KS2)

1)  Warm up

2)  Games

Put the children into partners. One of them needs to think of an Olympic sport, come up with a movement for that sport and then see if their partner can guess it. Together they will then exagurate the movement so it becomes more of a dance movement.

Bring everyone back together and select a few pairings to stand up and show their movement and see if everyone can guess what their sport was.



Split into 4 groups. Explain how each group is going to take a different Olympic event. Tell them the event then they can pick the sport

Group 1       Athletic Events    (ie Running, Hurdles, Javelin, Long Jump,                             Relay etc)

Group 2       Water Events(Syncronised swimming, diving, sailing, canoeing             etc)

Group 3       Field Events(Football, Hockey, Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball                 etc..)

Group 4       Gymnastics(Trampolining, Rhythmic, Bars/Vaults etc..)     


Each group then comes up with a freeze frame picture that shows their event. (It might be that the whole group shows one sport within that event ie Whole of group 1 does freeze to show Relay Race or all the people in group 1 take different events ie a runner, hurdler, javelin thrower etc..)

Each group then comes up with a movement. These must be exaggerated movements like they did in their pairs, a dance move showing a sport and for this the whole group does the same movements, so they have to work as a team to create and agree on these movements. (Have a look at the movements on the video that we do for the KS1 version to get an idea of what they can create, there isn’t much music for the movements so simple is better)

Piece together.  Each group Freezes in picture then does the moves to bring to life. Group 1, 2, 3 then 4.

All groups together repeat their moves but in slow motion.

Into National Anthem – singing “God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen” 

Then get them to act out and mime getting medal using waves, blow kisses to the crowd, excited hurrah arms or whatever they want to do.

Choreographed section (See Video Clip)

1 Feet apart one arm up

5-8 roll arms forward and back

1-8 salsa steps to right corner, clap (for KS1 step forward and together)

1-8 salsa steps to left corner, clap (for KS1 step forward and together)

1-6 knee bevels in a circle, boys punch arms girls soft arms)

7&8 lift right knee up left arm up facing the left side

1-8 repeat going back the other way

1-4 step together step together sideways to the right, river arms

5-8 repeat to the left

1-8 little jump and throw the arms forward with a shake of the hands and then back and repeat. This is throwing the mud off you hands (an old tradition of original Rio Carnival, where mud and food was thrown in the streets)

1-4 round de jambe with right leg, step step (cleaning up the mud with your hands and mopping with your foot) hands are doing circling movements

5-8 repeat with left leg

1-8 repeat right leg and left leg

1-6 run into centre with heal kicks to bum, rolling arms (KS1 just on the spot)

7&8 Finishing position front people low, middle people middle and back people high.


Perform for teachers.  Take Bow

COOL DOWN – Simple Breathing



Years R/1 & 2 (KS1)

1)  Warm up

2)  Games

Get them to sit down and ask them to all to think of an Olympic sport, pick someone and ask them what there sport is. Then show them how you can exaggerate the movement so it becomes more of a dance movement.

Then select individuals to whisper their sport to you and then they can show a movement to the class to see if everyone can guess what their sport was. 


Get the children to come up with a freeze/position for sport number 1. Count to 3 and ask them to freeze in their position. Then teach them the movements for that sport. Repeat the same thing with each of the 4 sports. You have a little longer for the gymnastics as they tend to do a position that is on the floor and it takes them longer to get out of the pose and into the movements (See Video Clip for movements)

1)   1x8 freeze for Running event 1x8 running movement

2)   1x8 Swimming Freeze 1x8 swimming movement

3)   1x8 Basketball Freeze, 1x8 basketball movement

4)   1x8 + 1x4 Gymnastics Freeze (ask them to be careful of their feet in this position as they tend to stick feet up in the air!) 1x8 + 1x4 movements


Into National Anthem sing then acting out bow to take medal, waving to crowd etc same as KS2

into Choreographed section (See Video Clip) see KS2 notes

Perform for teachers.  Take Bow


COOL DOWN – Simple Breathing