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Training: Friendship and Teamwork dance workshops
Choreographer instructions
There are two different workshops set out on this page for the two different age ranges:
Reception/KS1 - based on You've Got a Friend in Me from Toy Story
KS2 - based on I'm a Believer from Shrek
Please see the written information below.
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Press play on the voiceover
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Reception/KS1 version
You've Got a Friend in Me - from Toy Story
You've Got a Friend in Me - Year 2 version
Sorry these videos are a funny shape - they were recorded on an iPhone in portrait rather than landscape...
You've Got a Friend in Me - simplified version for Reception and Year 1
1) Warm Up
2) Games
a) Friend to Friend
b) Sticky Paper
Make a circle and sit on the floor. Explain how you want to find out a bit more about them and ask them to think of something that really interests them/ is a hobby. Select some children to tell you their interest.
Pick 4 of the best interests (that can be made into movement! ie Baking, Swimming, basketball, playing guitar) get that child to come into the middle of the circle with you and together create a movement. Now you have your 4 interests, explain to them that by exagurating the movement it has become dance step.
Split the circle in half, so you are left with 2 groups. Get them to create a freeze of friendship. (Use couple of children to demonstrate type of thing they could do)
Get everyone to do the 4 movements that were created earlier in the circle.
Go into choreographed section (see video clip) Link step is bounces and thumbs up that repeats through piece.
When it gets to section where movements are done double time, remind them how steps can be done at different speeds.
Perform for teachers. Take bow. Cool Down – Simple Breathing
Year 2
As Reception & Year 1 but once you have finished working in circle put into groups so ends up with 6. (Then they can perform to each other)
Firstly in their 6 groups get them to create their friendship freezes and show them to each other.
Get them to now create their own 2 movements. Then show them.
Get them to do their moves in slow motion, (explaining how same movement can be performed at different speeds)
Teach Choreographed section.
Perform for teachers and the other group. Take bow. Cool Down – Simple Breathing
KS2 version
I'm a Believer - from Shrek
I'm a Believer from Shrek
There is no voiceover for this video.
Sorry these videos are a funny shape - they were recorded on an iPhone in portrait rather than landscape...
1) Warm Up
2) Games
a) Friend to Friend
b) Sticky Paper
With their partners find out interests/hobbies of the other and create a movement that shows it.
Pick few examples to show and make others try and guess what interest is.
Get them into 6 groups and tell them to create their friendship freezes.
After each group has shown them, get them to pick one interest and come up with an exagurated movement. Explain how movement will be done in slow motion too!
Teach them the choreographed section (see video clip)
Strucutre: Group 1 friendship freeze 1x8, into 1 move done 4x (2x8) Repeat Group 2 & 3
Canon (explain what this is!) to floor then into Choreographed section.
Each group does slow motion section with their 1 move then back into choreography.
Each group performs for teachers and the other group.
Take bow.
Cool Down – Simple Breathing