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Training: Mini-Musicals - Oliver

Choreographer instructions

Please see the written information below the video.


To play the video in sync with the voiceover instructions: 

  1. Type the password in to the video if required

  2. Press play on the voiceover

  3. Listen to the spoken instructions, and press play on the video when instructed

Mini Musicals - Oliver

Mini Musicals - Oliver

1) Warm Up

2) Games

a) Space Game (minus cones KS1)

b) Stage Directions Game

Split into 4 groups, explain how each group will tell different part of story involving different characters.

GROUP 1 At orphanage at tea time
GROUP 2 Street sellers – Selling Flowers, Milk, Books etc..
GROUP 3 Fagin & his gang – criminals, pick-pockets
GROUP 4 Oliver back in his lovely family home having dinner

Each group comes up with a freeze frame picture that shows their part of the story. Show each other
Each group then brings their freeze to life by coming up with 2 movements.

Piece starts off stage:

  • Group 1 & 2 (upstage & downstage Right)

  • Group 3 & 4 (upstage & downstage Left)

All have 2x 8 to march on in line holding bowl as if going to get food.

GROUP 1 hits their FREEZE picture (1 x 4)
GROUP 2 hits their FREEZE picture (1 x 4)
GROUP 3 hits their FREEZE picture (1 x 4)
GROUP4 hits their FREEZE picture (1 x 4)

Then go into a canon (explain what this is)

GROUP 1 has 1x8 to do their 2 moves that brings their freeze to life
GROUP 2 Joins in on 2nd 8 with their 2 moves (group 1 rpts their moves)
GROUP 3 Joins in on 3rd 8 with their 2 moves (group 1 & 2 still rpt’ing theirs)
GROUP 4 joins in on 4th 8 with their 2 moves (group 1,2,3& 4 now all moving)

All groups repeat their 2 moves at the same time but in slow motion.

Everybody faces front miming holding their food bowl and sing


  • Pick someone to say “please sir, I want some more”

  • Everyone replies “MORE” moving into Oliver

Then into chorey song & dance section (see video clip)

Perform for teachers....Take bow

COOL DOWN – Simple Breathing