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Training: Where the Wild Things Are

Choreographer instructions

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  1. Type the password in to the video if required
  2. Press play on the voiceover
  3. Listen to the spoken instructions, and press play on the video when instructed

Where the Wild Things Are


Bringing Books to Life - Where the Wild Things Are

1) Warm Up

2) Games
a) Space Game (yr 3 upwards/ R & 1 just get them to move in diff ways not touching)
b) Wild Thing to Wild Thing (Reception & Yr 1) 10 Second Game (Year 3 upwards)

Reception, Year 1 & Year 2

  • Talk briefly about book and show them.
  • Explain how story starts in Max’s bedroom and we are going to create the furniture that’s in his room
  • Ask What furniture they could be and get them to make the shape with their bodies.
  • Then we work through story all doing the same.

4x8 To change from their bedroom furniture into Trees
2x8 To run to a partner make a boat and row to the Island
1x8 Hatch into Wild Things
3x8 Moving as Wild things (discuss different sizes, levels etc..)
1x8 Put on crown as Max is made King
2x8 Walking giving the royal wave

Into Choreographed “dance” Section – Refer to Video Clips

2x8 Thriller section into over the puddle!
3x8 Lonely & sad, looking for home
1x8 Sniffing the soup
1x8 Rub tummy, give back crown
1x8 Run back to boat (on own)

1x8 Row back home (different speeds)
1x8 Eat soup

1x8 Yawn and go to sleep

Talk about “Dress Rehearsal” then get Teachers to watch as audience. They all take bow at end.

COOL DOWN – Simple breathing

Year 3 Upwards

At end of 10 Second Game have them in number so that there can be 6 groups (this means they can perform to each other at the end)

2 groups become Group 1, 2, & 3. 123 123

Explain bit about story and how going to tell the story between us. Each group makes a freeze frame of each part of the story

Group 1 = The furniture in Max’s room that turn to trees

Group 2 = Max moving around in his bedroom then getting into bed
Group 3 = One Big Wild Thing

Group 1 have 3x8 - Move from furniture into trees
Group 2 have 1x8 - Wander into Bedroom (group 1) thinking
Group 2 have 2x8 - Rowing in boat over to Island
Group 3 have 1x8 - To become the Wild Thing
Group 3 have 2x8 - To start moving as the Wild Thing

All Groups 1x8 All move as individual Wild Things
All Groups 1x8 Put on Crown
All Groups 2x8 Royal waving & all bow

Into Choreographed Section.

Perform for teachers and in front of the other group.

Take bow.

COOL DOWN – Simple Breathing